Call us on: 086 3082140
086 3082140


ALLOCATION OF SPACE – no space will be allocated until a completed online application with proof of insurance and payment of the appropriate fee has been received by Carbery Show Society.

INSURANCE  - All trade stands must produce a current public liability insurance policy document showing a minimum limit of indemnity of €1,000,000 with cover extended to provide an indemnity to the Irish Shows Association Ltd., Carbery Show Society CLG and Carbery Show Society CLG Committee.

UNAUTHORISED SELLING - Fireworks, pellet guns, bangers, games, gaming machines, balloons, bubbles, stink bombs and spray paint are not to be sold on stands.  Trade Stands found to be selling these products will be removed from the showground’s.

LOSS OR DAMAGE – Carbery Show Society CLG, its agents and servants will not be responsible for any breakage, damage or loss from any source and Exhibitors should have insurance cover to extend to cover any loss or damage which may incur. This is the responsibility of the Exhibitor.

PASSES – Approved applications will be issued with 2 passes for their exhibit. Please note only authorised entry will be allowed. Traders/Staff with no passes must pay at entry to the showground’s.

LITTER - Trade Stand owners/agents must clean up their areas before leaving the showground’s.Bins will be provided on the day in numerous areas around the showground’s.

CANCELLATION OF BOOKING – Trade Stand applications must be received on or before 11th July. No bookings will be accepted after the that date. Fees will be non-refundable for cancellations after 11thJuly.

CANCELLATION OF SHOW – Carbery Show Society will not be responsible to any exhibitor or its agents for any loss of profits, consequential loss or any loss whatsoever arising for any reason of the cancellation of the Show.

STEWARDS - Please follow any instructions from the stewards on the day of the show.